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How is the next generation sequencing data analyzed?

The analyzed data is created by taking the raw FASTQ file and processing it through the following RNAseq data pipeline:

next generation sequencing data schema

Ensembl DB Version

The following ensembl database versions have been used:

  •  - mus_musculus_core_84_38
  •  - homo_sapiens_core_85_38

Analysis Software

The following software is used to analyze the data:

PE RNAseq Snakefile Python Code

#### This is the PE_RNAseq_Snakefile #####
##### Created by Ashley Parker 11/6/14 #####
##### Last modified by Matthew Brooks 3/23/17 #####
# Import config file and modules needed
import config
import glob
import os
# Import references needed for analysis
# Import sample names from the FQ folder
SAMPLES = [os.path.basename(fname).split('.')[0] for fname in glob.glob('FQ/*fastq.gz')]
READS = ["R1", "R2"]
# List of directories needed and end point files for analysis
DIRS = ['trim/','unpaired/','unpaired/trim/','BAMS/','star/','kallisto/','fastqc/','logs/']
FQC = expand("fastqc/{sample}.{read}_fastqc.html", sample=SAMPLES, read=READS)
KAL = expand("kallisto/{sample}/abundance.h5", sample=SAMPLES)
STAR = expand("star/{sample}.star/", sample=SAMPLES)
IDX = expand("BAMS/{sample}.bam.bai", sample=SAMPLES)
# Snakemake rules for analysis
localrules: dirs
rule all:
	input: DIRS + FQC + KAL + STAR + IDX
	params: time="10:00:00"
	shell:  "mv slurm* logs/"
rule dirs:
    output: DIRS
    params: time = "01:00:00"
    shell:  "mkdir -p "+' '.join(DIRS)
rule trimmo:
    input:  R1 = "FQ/{sample}.R1.fastq.gz", R2 = "FQ/{sample}.R2.fastq.gz"
    output: forward = "trim/{sample}.R1.fastq.gz", reverse = "trim/{sample}.R2.fastq.gz"
    threads: 24
    params: mem="24G", time="01:00:00"
    shell:  """ \
    module load trimmomatic; \
    java -jar $TRIMMOJAR PE -threads 24 \
    {input.R1} {input.R2} \
    {output.forward} unpaired/{output.forward} \
    {output.reverse} unpaired/{output.reverse} \
rule star:
   input: R1 = "trim/{sample}.R1.fastq.gz", R2 = "trim/{sample}.R2.fastq.gz"
   output: "star/{sample}.star/Aligned.out.bam", "star/{sample}.star/", dir = "star/{sample}.star/"
   threads: 12
   params: mem="72G",time="4:00:00"
   shell: """ \
   module load STAR; \
   mkdir -p {output.dir}; \
   STAR --runThreadN 12 \
   --genomeDir {STARREF} \
   --readFilesIn {input.R1} {input.R2} \
   --outFileNamePrefix {output.dir} \
   --readFilesCommand zcat \
   --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted \
   --outSAMprimaryFlag AllBestScore \
   --outReadsUnmapped Fastx \
   --twopassMode Basic \
   --genomeSAindexNbases 11 \
   --outFilterType BySJout \
   --outFilterMultimapNmax 20 \
   --alignSJoverhangMin 8 \
   --alignSJDBoverhangMin 1 \
   --outFilterMismatchNmax 999 \
   --alignIntronMin 20 \
   --alignIntronMax 1000000 \
   --alignMatesGapMax 1000000 \
rule sort:
	input: "star/{sample}.star/Aligned.out.bam"
	output: "BAMS/{sample}.bam"
	threads: 12
	params: mem="24G", time="2:00:00"
	shell: """ \
	module load samtools; \
	samtools sort --threads 12 {input} -o {output} -T {output} \
rule index:
    input:  "BAMS/{sample}.bam"
    output: "BAMS/{sample}.bam.bai"
    params: time="2:00:00"
    shell:  """ \
    module load samtools; \
    samtools index {input} \
rule kallisto:
   input: R1 = "trim/{sample}.R1.fastq.gz", R2 = "trim/{sample}.R2.fastq.gz"
   output: "kallisto/{sample}/abundance.h5", "kallisto/{sample}/abundance.tsv", "kallisto/{sample}/run_info.json", dir = "kallisto/{sample}"
   params: mem="12G", time="01:00:00"
   shell: """ \
   module load kallisto; \
   kallisto quant \
   -b 30 \
   -o {output.dir} \
   {input.R1} {input.R2} \
rule fastqc:
	input:  R1 = "trim/{sample}.R1.fastq.gz", R2 = "trim/{sample}.R2.fastq.gz"
    output: "fastqc/{sample}.R1_fastqc.html", reverse = "fastqc/{sample}.R2_fastqc.html"
    params: time="2:00:00"
    shell:  """ \
    module load fastqc; \
    fastqc -o fastqc {input.R1} {input.R2} \